Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Easter Fun...posted late!

While much of my family was still stuck with cold weather and even snow, we were celebrating Easter in perfect spring weather...a little windy maybe but still beautiful. The kids were out of school on Good Friday so we decided to dye our Easter Eggs with a few friends on the back patio. I must have bought at least 5 different kits full of decorations so the kids would have ample things to choose from...glittered eggs, star wars eggs, stickers, foamies...you name it, we had it!
I should have probably boiled more eggs, but other than that I have to give myself a big gold star for braving 5 kids and a dozen cups of dye all by myself! Yeah me!
When all was said and done, each kid had a nice little collection of "personalized" Easter eggs that they could take home. After cleaning up the boys headed upstairs for some nerf war, hot wheels, and Star Wars play, while the girls stayed downstairs and braved harsh criticism on the American Idol for Wii. It was a great way to spend a day off from school!

By the time Easter Morning arrived, we had added a few more decorated eggs and enjoyed a nice quiet morning with just the 4 of us and a little chocolate overload! Thank you Easter Bunny!

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